Smartfares Flights Booking Review
Smartfares flights booking review
Smartfares is a great website to book flights, as shows our check on a round trip booking from Athens to Sofia, coming after trying another website which tried to charge us a 10% surcharge at payment for no reason.
The booking process on Smartfares is quick and efficient, without useless screens or them trying to show us pop-ups to get us to buy extra services we do not need and can even get for free without any travel agency.
It is definitely a good and legit website, and everything from SmartFares reservations on their website to the final SmartFares check in online had revealed in our SmartFares review that Smart Fares travel agency is indeed a good website to book tickets, especially as they might offer some of the cheapest flights and rentals available on the market.
We have found the best deal online with them while comparing prices online, the cheapest fare found on this route being offered by WhereCanIFLY? Cheap Flights search comparison engine, as you can see in full SmartFares review below.
Cheap flights from Athens to SofiaSmartfares booking process
Once the flight found, two options are offered, either buying the standard ticket, or getting a flexible ticket, meaning that the flight date can be changed free of charge up to 24hours before departure.
The passenger information screen is complete, and includes the very convenient frequent traveler number, meal selection, and even redress number, which can be useful for some travelers.
A customer support package can be added, which is useless in most cases, but will speed up any contact with the SmartFares customer service in case of issues.
The price is according to what we first have seen when entering the website, and no extra fees have been added. The ticket price is detailed, with ticket price, and taxes and fees.
Terms and conditions must be accepted in order to proceed with the flight booking - in our case a round trip from Athens to Sofia with Aegean airlines.
Smartfares reservation code
After payment have been processed, a reservation code is given, which can be used to check in online with the airline, or retrieve the booking on SmartFares website, and perform eventual changes.
Checking the manage my booking page, it shows the booking status, below written as pending, as the airline haven't emitted the ticket yet, they need some time to perform this operation in some cases.
SmartFares email ticket
The information sent by email are according to what we have booked, with flight details displayed again here, and the price detail, which haven't changed since we selected that specific ticket earlier.
The email confirmation is simple and concise, with the booking code, that will be necessary to check-in online, manage the booking, or any other need to check the booking before flying.
Cheap flights from Athens to SofiaCan I trust SmartFares?
Yes, SmartFares is a legit website, and is a great travel agency. However, just like any other online travel agency, remember to first compare prices with other websites before booking, as every travel agency has different prices and fees, and the cheapest ones are not always to be found on the same agency, but differ all the time.
To compares prices, use an online price comparison website, or even try using several, as they all have different partners.
sofia, bulgaria, cathedral, church, orthodox, alexander nevsky cathedral, religion, structures, faith, dom, places of interest, bell towerFrequently Asked Questions
- Is Smartfares website legit?
- This is a good and legitimate website for booking cheap flights without useless screens or pop-ups forcing us to buy extras that we don't need and can even be obtained for free without any travel agency.
Smartfares Flights Booking Review Pros
- Quick and easy to use website
- No useless screens
- Possibility to enter frequent flyer number
- Flexible ticket option a bit expensive
- Extra baggage more expensive that on airline
- No coupon to be found online

Michel Pinson is a Travel enthusiast and Content Creator. Merging passion for education and exploration, he iscommitted to sharing knowledge and inspiring others through captivating educational content. Bringing the world closer together by empowering individuals with global expertise and a sense of wanderlust.