How good is hotel booking with Agoda?
Hotel booking with Agoda
Agoda is one of the best online platform to book flights and hotels, offering some of the cheapest prices especially for hotels.
They are usually part of the search comparison results of most good engines such as WhereCanIFLY?. See below a full hotel booking with Agoda process, and let us know in comments how it went for you!
How reliable is Agoda for booking a hotel?Accessing the secure Agoda results
The first step is to use an external search engine to compare prices, such as WhereCanIFLY? price comparison website
Once on the Agoda website, the cheapest nightly rate for the selected hotel will be shown. It is of course always possible to check the other similar hotels, Agoda booking site offering similar results in any search.
Agoda room booking and mix and save
Once the hotel has been selected for the date, Agoda will offer an amazing opportunity in some cases.
If during the dates of your stay, different rooms have cheaper prices, that corresponds to your search, the secure Agoda engine will offer a mix and save option, telling you which rooms to book at which dates to save the most money on your Agoda room booking, even though this option is not offered at competitor websites, and wasn’t shown on comparison engines search results.
In that example, using the mix and save option will take the nightly price for that real booking down from 31€ per night to 26€ per night, or a nearly 20% save!
This is only possible because the cheapest room rate is not available for the whole stay, and the only solution is to mix and save.
Agoda room booking process
The Agoda room booking process continues by booking with Agoda the rooms one after the other, by clicking on the provided links.
It starts with giving guest details in order to proceed hotel booking with Agoda.
The next screen will give lot of additional details that will allow to review the hotel booking with Agoda before proceeding, and in some cases tailoring it to your needs:
- possibility to arrange airport transfer directly with the booking (usually more expensive than using an Uber transport or organizing your own airport transfer),
- selecting room smoking preference,
- selected bed preference such as large bed or twin beds,
- setting other hotel requests for the booking.
The next and last step before proceeding to payment and final booking is to tell hotel approximate arrival time, and to eventually add specific hotel insurance, but that is not necessary in most cases.
There are two different kinds of booking, depending on the hotels preferences: Agoda pay now and Agoda book now pay later.
The Agoda book now pay later is offered for some rooms at hotels that are fine to be paid at the reception desk upon arrival – in other cases, it will be necessary to pay now by credit card.
However, even when choosing an Agoda pay at hotel option, such as in this example, entering a credit card number will be necessary to validate and secure the booking with Agoda.
Once the Agoda book now pay later hotel booking has been confirmed, a screen will show all necessary details, including the Agoda Booking ID.
All details will anyway be accessible later on in the Agoda my booking screens on their website.
After that however, in case of a mix and save, it is necessary to finish booking the other room.
Agoda online booking review in short
The hotel booking process with Agoda is pretty straightforward, and the website gives many opportunities to its customers to save money, either by selecting similar hotels, by using the mix and save option, the Agoda book now pay later functionality, and also by using the Agoda reward points for frequent customers.
How good is hotel booking with Agoda? Pros
- The booking split functionality to save even more
- Easy to use interface
- Cheap prices
- Difficulty to compare different dates
- Many screens to reach final booking
- Prices not always clear with city tax

Michel Pinson is a Travel enthusiast and Content Creator. Merging passion for education and exploration, he iscommitted to sharing knowledge and inspiring others through captivating educational content. Bringing the world closer together by empowering individuals with global expertise and a sense of wanderlust.