Bogota to Paris flight comparison
Bogota to Paris flight comparison
A Bogota to Paris flight, round trip, is cheaper on Skyscanner with 2 stops, and on wcifly with 1 stop or direct. The 2 stops sells at 3700990$COP and more, the one stops flights start at 3995845$COP, and the direct flights starts at 5031353$COP.
The Bogota to Paris flight time can be as low at 10 hours and 20 minutes.
Cheapest two stop tickets on SkyScannerBogota to Paris Air France direct flight
The direct flights are cheaper on Where Can I FLY?, with prices about 2% lower than on Expedia, and 1% lower than on Google Flights, Kayak or Skyscanner.
Air France portal sitesBogota to Paris Air France direct flights can therefore be bought for 5031353COP and up.
- Expedia flight 5147324COP,
- Google Flights 5068260COP,
- Kayak flight 5057612COP,
- Skyscanner flight 5067500COP,
- Where Can I FLY? flight 5031353COP.
Bogota to Paris flight with 1 stop
The one stop flights, about 20% cheaper than direct flights, sell for as less as 3995845COP, and are probably the best solution for a trip Bogota to Paris, with KLM flights especially.
KLM Royal Dutch AirlinesThe cheapest flights can be found on Where Can I FLY?, 2.5% lower than on Expedia, 4.5% lower than Google Flights, and 1.5% lower than Kayak and Skyscanner, which both have the same cheapest flights at the same price.
- Expedia 4090163COP,
- Google Flights 4176410COP,
- Kayak 4060050COP,
- Skyscanner 4060050COP,
- Where Can I FLY? 3995845COP.
Bogota to Paris two stops flights
The cheapest flights of all are the 2 stops flights, which are barely cheaper than the 1 stop flights, therefore not making them a good choice, as they are much more complicated for a very low saving.
United Airlines - Airline Tickets, Travel Deals and FlightsHowever, the cheapest prices for 2 stops flights from Bogota to Paris can be found on Skyscanner with United Airlines, 2.5% cheaper than Google Flights, 3% cheaper than Kayak, 7.5% cheaper than WhereCanIFLY, and 10% cheaper than Expedia.
- Expedia 4090163COP,
- Google Flights 3791590COP,
- Kayak 3804490COP,
- Skyscanner 3700990COP,
- Where Can I FLY? 3995845COP.
Websites compared
Expedia travelGoogle Flights
Kayak Search Flights
SkyScanner, Cheapest two stop tickets

Michel Pinson is a Travel enthusiast and Content Creator. Merging passion for education and exploration, he iscommitted to sharing knowledge and inspiring others through captivating educational content. Bringing the world closer together by empowering individuals with global expertise and a sense of wanderlust.