Cheap flights from Sofia to Athens
Athens Sofia cheap flights
The cheapest flights between Athens and Sofia are with RyanAir, starting at a 100€ for a round trip. Aegean airlines offers the best connection, starting for as little as 131€, also for a round trip.
The best choice is therefore to go with Aegean airline, a StarAlliance partner, and the flight includes drinks, meal, and might include a free checked luggage depending on your frequent flyer status with the Star Alliance network.
The prices found online for the Aegean Athens Sofia Cheap Flights are the following:
- 131€ on Where Can I FLY? Travel inspiration and booking,
- 134€ on Skyscanner comparison website,
- 145€ on Aegean airline website, Kayak comparison, and Google flights search engine.
For the low cost Athens Sofia flights, the cheapest prices are ordered a bit differently:
- 100€ on Google flights,
- 114€ on Skyscanner and Kayak,
- 116€ on Where Can I FLY?.
Cheap flights from Sofia to Athens
The cheapest flights we have found from Athens to Sofia were on Where Can I FLY website with Aegean, as they include drinks, meal, and are with a regular airline, part of the Star Alliance network, making it worth to spend the money as it later on given back in points.
Aegean airlines also have the best membership program of the whole StarAlliance network, and flying with them collecting miles points on their membership card is the fastest way to achieve the StarAlliance Gold status, and get many benefits rewards, such as priority check-in, priority boarding, lounge access, checked luggage, all included in any flight with the airline, and most of them included in flights with other airlines from the network.
Otherwise, the round trip Athens Sofia RyanAir flight sold for 116€ on website, which is not the best price we've found in this comparison, but does not hide any hidden cost at check-out, as it might sometimes happen on some websites.
Google flights from SOF to ATH airport
The Google flights offers the best prices found online for the low cost Cheap Flights Athens Sofia at 100€ with RyanAir airline, a low cost airline that is known to have many restrictions and does not hesitate to make its clients pay for anything.
However, the cheapest round trip ticket from Athens to Sofia was found with that airline, and might be a good budget choice for people that do not need to bring a lot of things with them.
If interested by this low cost RyanAir Sofia Athens flight budget choice, beware that this ticket does not include anything, no food, no luggage, no drink, no lounge access or anything.
The Sofia Athens air tickets with regular airline Aegean were found at the most expensive price of this comparison, at 145€, which does not make that website a good choice for that specific booking.
Google flights from SOF to ATH airportSkyscanner flight from Athens to Sofia Bulgaria
On Skyscanner, the Athens Sofia RyanAir flight is sold for a 114€, which is an expensive price for that airline on that route, as the cheapest goes for more than 10% cheaper.
The regular airline direct flights with Aegean are also in the most expensive prices found online, at 145€, making again Skyscanner one of the last choice to use for Athens Sofia flights check.
Skyscanner flight from Athens to Sofia BulgariaAegean airline Athens Sofia flights
At 145€, the Aegean website is actually a good choice to get Cheap Flights from Sofia to Athens and back, as the price is comparable to most other comparison websites, except the excellent WhereCanIFLY, and offers some benefits.
That is right, when booking directly on Aegean, the ticket is entitles to more benefits than when booking the flight outside of their own website, such as the possibility to use coupons for flight upgrade.
Aegean airline Athens Sofia flightsKayak Sofia Athens flights
With the most expensive flights both with the low cost airline RyanAir and with the regular airline Aegean, Kayak offers the worst prices for that Sofia Athens flights route.
At 114€ for the low cost RyanAir Athens Sofia connection, and 145€ for the Aegean one, it places Kayak website at the bottom of this comparison, and it is not recommended for your wallet to check that connection on their website.
On that website, we have found the Aegean route for a 145€, which is actually the most expensive price found for that other airline that offers the best connection on this route.
Kayak Sofia Athens flightsShoddy Flights From Athens Universal To Sofia (ATH - SOF)
Contrast flights from Athens with Sofia and find shoddy tickets with Skyscanner
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Costs appeared on this page are evaluated least costs as it were. Found over the most recent 45 days.
Shoddy Flights From Australia Incorporate Athens From $349.
Instructions to beat the post-occasion blues: Modest flights from Australia to Europe will incorporate Athens from $349 - and a fast outing to Singapore costs just $139.
Ease transporter Hurry is putting forth flights to Athens from $349 one way.
Modest flights from Sydney and Melbourne begin at $399 single direction.
Flights to Asia are on offer too with Singapore flights beginning from $139.
Try not to stress on the off chance that you passed up Hurry's shoddy airfare deal to Europe a year ago November as the deal aircraft are currently arranging another to help ease post-occasion misery.
The minimal effort bearer is putting forth flights to Athens beginning at just $349 single direction from Perth, reports.
It's not exactly as low as its $325 bargain toward the finish of a year ago, however it's as yet an arrangement worth investigating, with movement dates pointed explicitly for the European summer between July 15 to October 28.
The Acropolis in Athens (stock picture) is only one of the features in the Greek capital.
Flights from Sydney and Melbourne begin at $399 single direction and Gold Coast from $389. Unique Asian arrangements are additionally accessible with flights to Singapore the best deals at $139.
The drop in cost is allegedly on the grounds that since the beginning of January 2016, there's been impressive development in universal flight limit in Australia.
Be that as it may, voyagers hoping to benefit as much as possible from this arrangement should likewise think about that the absolute bottom costs are for the flights just (airplane terminal charges included).
This implies 20kg of registration stuff will add $92 to the ticket and things with dinners will cost $157 more.
Ease transporter Hurry (stock picture) is putting forth flights to Athens beginning at just $349 single direction from Perth.
Flights from Sydney and Melbourne to Athens (stock picture) begin at $399 single direction and Gold Coast from $389.
In the event that you need to go in more style and extravagant an overhaul, ScootBiz admissions beginning at $999 will give you more extensive calfskin seats with more legroom, 30kg registration gear, dinners and beverages, in-flight stimulation and in-situate control.
The deal closes at 3pm Tuesday AEST, so you should need to make sense of your next European plans rapidly.
As common the least expensive seats are liable to accessibility and explorers should be adaptable with movement dates to score the best cost.
Hurry are likewise publicizing flights to Singapore (stock picture) at $139.
Shabby Flights From Melbourne
Jetstar From Tullamarine: Adelaide, Auckland, Ayers Shake, Ballina-Byron, Bangkok (Suvarnabhumi), Brisbane, Cairns, Christchurch, Darwin, Bali (Denpasar), Gold Coast, Ho Chi Minh City, Hobart, Honolulu, Launceston, Newcastle, Osaka (Kansai), Perth, Phuket, Whitsunday Coast (Proserpine), Queenstown, Singapore, Daylight Coast, Sydney, Townsville, Zhengzhou
From Avalon: Adelaide, Gold Coast, Sydney.
Da Nang, Dunedin, Fukuoka, Haikou, Hamilton Island, Hayman Island, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Kagoshima, Kuala Lumpur, Mackay, Manila, Matsuyama, Medan, Nadi, Napier, Oita, Okinawa, Osaka, Palmerston North, Phnom Penh, Rarotonga, Sanya, Sapporo, Surabaya, Taipei, Takamatsu, Tokyo, Wellington, Yangon.
From Avalon: None.

Michel Pinson is a Travel enthusiast and Content Creator. Merging passion for education and exploration, he iscommitted to sharing knowledge and inspiring others through captivating educational content. Bringing the world closer together by empowering individuals with global expertise and a sense of wanderlust.