What are the best flights from Almaty to Kiev?

The direct flights from Almaty in Kazakhstan to Kiev in Ukraine can be as low as 184€, operated by UIA. However, the Air Astana flights are only a little big more expensive, starting at 193€.

Almaty to Kiev flights comparison

The direct flights from Almaty in Kazakhstan to Kiev in Ukraine can be as low as 184€, operated by UIA. However, the Air Astana flights are only a little big more expensive, starting at 193€.

All flights include one checked-in luggage up to 23kg, as these are international flights.

Cheapest flight prices have been found on WhereCanIFLY? Comparison engine.

Air Astana
Book flights at the best fares – Ukraine International Airlines UIA

Cheapest direct flights from Almaty to Kiev with UIA:

Cheapest direct flights from Almaty to Kiev with Air Astana:

Best flights from Kiev to Almaty

Air Astana actually is a very good airline, only a little bit more expensive than UIA.

If you can afford the price difference, then it might be better to book Air Astana, as they own a recent fleet of aircrafts, and are on the way to join the Star Alliance network.

UIA might propose older airplanes, which however is not a big issue as their service is relatively good.

Michel Pinson
About the author - Michel Pinson
Michel Pinson is a Travel enthusiast and Content Creator. Merging passion for education and exploration, he iscommitted to sharing knowledge and inspiring others through captivating educational content. Bringing the world closer together by empowering individuals with global expertise and a sense of wanderlust.

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