Madrid to Beijing flights
Cheap flights from Beijing to Madrid
The cheapest flights from Beijing to Madrid are with Aeroflot for 411€ round trip flight with layover in Moscow on Skyscanner.
In details, our check for Cheap Flights to Beijing from Madrid, looking for a round trip flight with Aeroflot airlines gave us the following results:
- Cheapest flight Madrid Beijing on Skyscanner for 411€,
- 2nd Madrid Beijing Cheap Flights on WhereCanIFLY for 424€,
- Cheap flights Madrid Beijing on Kayak flights at 448€,
- Flights from Madrid to Beijing on Aeroflot for 450€.
Beijing Madrid flight time
The Beijing to Madrid flight time is 10 hours and 50 minutes with a direct flight, and can start at 10 hours and 50 minutes with a connecting flight.
The best connection is offered by Aeroflot airlines, a SkyTeam partner, and the cheapest flights to Beijing were found to be on Skyscanner flight comparison tool.
Flights to Madrid Spain from Beijing are the best way of traveling between the two cities, as the distance between Madrid and Beijing is 9200km as the crow flies, and it seems nearly impossible to go there by car.
Cheap flights from Beijing to Madrid can be found on Skyscanner website.
Cheapest Madrid to Beijing flights
The cheapest tickets to Beijing we have found, looking for flights to Beijing China departing from Madrid Spain, have been found on Skyscanner, starting at 411€ layover flight with the SkyTeam partner Aeroflot, the largest Russian airline.
Cheap flights from Beijing to MadridMAD to BJS with WhereCanIFLY
A little more expensive than with WhereCanIFLY, the tickets MAD BJS on WhereCanIFLY sell for 424€ euros with Aeroflot, and 426€ with XIAMEN Air, the Chinese airline that is also having flights from Madrid to Beijing.
MAD to BJS with Where Can I FLYKayak flights from Beijing to Madrid Spain
The Kayak flights are some of the most expensive ones on this route, with the Aeroflot airline flights for 448€, which is the highest for this flight on this route found in this comparison from online travel agencies.
Kayak Madrid to Beijing flightsAeroflot Beijing Madrid flights
The flights from Madrid to Beijing with Aeroflot airline on their own website is selling for a little more than some other online travel agencies, starting at 450€ round trip with bag included.
Aeroflot airline Beijing Madrid flightsMain picture credit: Beijing climbing the stairs scenery

Michel Pinson is a Travel enthusiast and Content Creator. Merging passion for education and exploration, he iscommitted to sharing knowledge and inspiring others through captivating educational content. Bringing the world closer together by empowering individuals with global expertise and a sense of wanderlust.