Strasbourg to Warsaw flights

The cheapest flights from Warsaw to Strasbourg are with Lufthansa for 227€ round trip flight on KAYAK with transfer in Frankfurt. Some flights can be found for a few euros less, but the connection times of more than 20hours are just unrealistic, unless you want to visit Amsterdam or another European city during transfer.

Cheap flights from Warsaw to Strasbourg

The cheapest flights from Warsaw to Strasbourg are with Lufthansa for 227€ round trip flight on  Kayak   with transfer in Frankfurt. Some flights can be found for a few euros less, but the connection times of more than 20hours are just unrealistic, unless you want to visit Amsterdam or another European city during transfer.

In details, our check for  Cheap Flights   to Warsaw from Strasbourg, looking for a round trip flight with Lufthansa airlines gave us the following results:

  • Cheapest flight Strasbourg Warsaw on  Kayak   for 227€,
  • 2nd Strasbourg Warsaw  Cheap Flights   on  WhereCanIFLY   for 262€,
  • Cheap flights Strasbourg Warsaw on  Skyscanner   at 527€,
  • Flights from Strasbourg to Warsaw on Lufthansa for 226.6€.

Warsaw Strasbourg flight time

The Warsaw to Strasbourg flight time is 3 hours and 50 minutes with a transfer flight.

The best connection is offered by Lufthansa airlines, a StarAlliance partner, and the cheapest flights to Warsaw were found to be on  Kayak   flight comparison tool.

Flights to Strasbourg France from Warsaw are the best way of traveling between the two cities, as the distance between Strasbourg and Warsaw is 1050km as the crow flies, or 1250km driving.

Cheap flights from Warsaw to Strasbourg can be found on Where Can I FLY website.

Cheapest Strasbourg to Warsaw flights

The cheapest tickets to Warsaw we have found, looking for flights to Warsaw Poland departing from Strasbourg France, have been found on KAYAK, starting at 227€ transfer flight with the StarAlliance partner Lufthansa, the largest German airline, which does not includes a free piece of luggage even for StarAlliance Gold members.

The trip consists of a 2h30 minutes bus trip from Strasbourg train station XER to Frankfurt airport FRA, and then a flight from Frankfurt international airport FRA to Warsaw international airport WAW.

Cheap flights to Strasbourg from Warsaw or any other city can also be found on their website.

Cheap flights from Warsaw to Strasbourg

SXB to WAW with WhereCanIFLY

A little more expensive than with KAYAK, the tickets SXB WAW on  WhereCanIFLY   sell for 262€ euros also with Lufthansa airline. They generally have the cheapest flight for this connection, but we haven't been lucky on this last minute booking.

SXB to WAW with WhereCanIFLY

Skyscanner flights from Warsaw to Strasbourg France

The  Skyscanner   flights are some of the most expensive ones on this route, with the low cost flights starting at 527€ for correct flights with short connection, and the Lufthansa airline flights are not available at all, as  Skyscanner   does not sell flights for bus stations, even from airlines, which is the highest for this flight on this route found in this comparison.

Skyscanner Strasbourg to Warsaw flights

Lufthansa Warsaw Strasbourg flights

The flights from Strasbourg to Warsaw with Lufthansa airline on their own website is selling for a similar price than some other online travel agencies, starting at 226.6€ round trip without bag included, even if you are a StarAlliance member with a sufficient membership such as gold.

Lufthansa airline Warsaw Strasbourg flights

Michel Pinson
About the author - Michel Pinson
Michel Pinson is a Travel enthusiast and Content Creator. Merging passion for education and exploration, he iscommitted to sharing knowledge and inspiring others through captivating educational content. Bringing the world closer together by empowering individuals with global expertise and a sense of wanderlust.

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