Oneworld Vs Skytheam

Oneworld Vs Skytheam

Aviakompaniya alyansi aviakompaniyalar o'rtasida o'z imkoniyatlarini kengaytirishga imkon beradigan va Kodeksdagi parvozlar bo'yicha mijozlar uchun daromadli dasturlarni taklif etadigan kelishuv. Bugungi kunda yo'lovchilar uchun ittifoq va bonus dasturlari qanday foyda keltiradi? Bu:

  • ko'proq joylarning mavjudligi;
  • Codecare parvozlari;
  • Reyslar uchun narxlar;
  • milni tezroq qilish qobiliyati;
  • aeroportlarda biznes zallarining katta tanlovi;
  • Transferni optimallashtirish tufayli vaqtni qisqartirish;
  • Dunyo miqyosida uchish mumkin bo'lgan dunyo miqyosida.

Bugungi kunda Skytheam, Oneworld va yulduz ittifoqi - kompaniyalarning katta ro'yxatiga ega uchta ittifoq mavjud. Yulduzli ittifoqlar faqat chet ellik aviakompaniyalar kiradi va Skytheam va Oneworld ro'yxatini o'z ichiga oladi. Keling, tanlovning nuanslarini batafsilroq ko'rib chiqamiz.


This alliance brought together several major airlines and about 30 subsidiary carriers. These are about 1000 destinations, more than 14000 flights and more than 1000 airports that receive flights of the alliance companies. The popular S7 is part of the alliance among Russian companies. Passengers of Ochko'z partners have the opportunity to earn miles on flights, buy bonus tickets for flights and enjoy other bonuses and privileges offered within the alliance. The bonus program has several levels (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald), on the first of which passengers receive priority check-in, the ability to carry larger baggage, choice of a seat on the plane immediately after purchasing tickets and an additional 25% miles from your fare. Sapphire gives access to the lounge (+1 person), Emerald - an additional piece of luggage, first class check-in counter.

More information on Ochko'z airlines

Each airline also has its own program for customers, but the miles accumulated on the flights of one of them can be spent on the services of another. To move to a higher level of the program, you need to make 20 flights or accumulate 20,000 miles. Main flight regions: Europe, Asia, America and the Middle East. In terms of fleet size and number of destinations, Ochko'z is almost on par with Skytheam.

Access Ochko'z airport lounges with a Revolut account


SkyTeam - sayohatingizda katta farq qilishi mumkin. Bu dunyodagi eng yirik aviakompaniyali Star Alyansning 19tasi qanoti ostida dunyoning etakchi aviakompaniyasini birlashtirganidan keyin ikkinchi eng yirik aviakompaniyamizning ikkinchi yirik ittifoqi.

SkyTeamning turli xil tarif rejalari mavjud, unda har bir sayohatchi o'z byudjetlari uchun imkoniyat topishi mumkin. Masalan, SkyTeam Elite Plus tarifi juda keng tarmoqlar qatoriga kiradi, bu erda hamma yulduz kabi his qilishi mumkin.

The Skytheam Alliance invites its passengers to expand the route map and increase its profitability. Today Skytheam unites: Aeroflot, Air Europa, Air France, China Airlines, Delta Air Lines (USA), Garuda Indonesia and other companies. Participants are ready to offer customers a large number of flights, as well as a range of services and privileges. The alliance has more than 170 destination countries and approximately 600 million passengers transported per year.

More information on Skytheam airlines

Skytheam offers two premium tiers: Skytheam Elite and Skytheam Elite Plus. From the first level, the client receives an additional piece of baggage, priority at check-in and seat selection for free with priority boarding. Elite Plus gives you access to the lounge and seats on already sold-out flights. To reach the silver level in the program and get additional opportunities, you need to make 25 flights in a year or gain 25 thousand miles. This includes flights in economy class, and flights with a transfer count as two, so even a novice traveler can get this level.

Upon reaching the second level, passengers of Aeroflot, a member of the Skytheam alliance, can check-in for flights at priority business desks, instead of standing in line for half an hour. In addition, they will receive free additional baggage space and + 25% miles from the ticket fare.

Access Skytheam airport lounges with PriorityPass service

Skytheam vs. Ochko'z - Which Alliance Should You Choose?

To'g'ri tanlov qilish uchun siz bir nechta savollarga javob berishingiz kerak:

  • Siz yiliga necha marta uchasiz va siz ushbu parvozlar uchun qancha milya pul topasiz?
  • Qaysi aeroportlar siz uchun uchib ketishingiz kerak?
  • Chiqish narxlari siz uchun juda muhimmi?
  • Siz bilan juda ko'p  Yuk   olasizmi?
  • Siz qanday bonuslarni olishni xohlaysiz?

Agar siz yiliga 20 ming mildan kam yig'ish uchun muvaffaq bo'lsangiz, unda millar tugamaydigan dasturlarga ustunlik bering. Bir yoki boshqa ittifoqga tegishli kompaniyalar ro'yxatiga qarang va sizni qiziqtirgan joylarga uchadiganlarni tanlang.

SkyTeamdan ko'ra Oneworld-ning birinchi sodiqlik dasturi holatini olish osonroq. To'plangan millardan ko'proq bonuslar va yaxshiroq foydalanish Oneworld Alliance tomonidan ta'minlanadi. Va SkyTepam, albatta, bagaj tashishda g'alaba qozonadi, chunki yo'lovchilar birinchi darajadan qo'shimcha bo'sh joy beriladi, Oneworld esa faqat ikkinchisidan. Agar sizning bagajingiz sayohat qilish uchun muhim bo'lsa yoki siz tovarlarni olib yurasiz, SkyTeamni tanlang. Oneworld aviachiptalar narxi va mijozlar uchun aktsiyalar soni bo'yicha g'alaba qozonadi, chunki agar sizda juda ko'p  Yuk   bo'lmasa, S7 bilan S7 bilan uchish kerak.

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