Oneworld vs Skyteam

Oneworld vs Skyteam

Iyo Airline Alliance chibvumirano pakati pemhepo inovatendera kuti vawedzere kugona kwavo uye kupa zvirongwa zvinobatsira kune vatengi pane kodhi yekodhi. Ndezvipi zvakanaka uye zvirongwa zvebhabhoneni zvinoita mubatanidzwa zvinopihwa nevapfuuri nhasi? Izvo:

  • kuwanikwa kwenzvimbo dzakawanda;
  • ndege yepamhepo yeCodeshare;
  • Mitengo yakaderera yeNigehts;
  • kugona kuwana mamaira nekukurumidza;
  • kusarudzwa kukuru kwebhizinesi lounges kuairports;
  • kuderedzwa kwenguva nekuda kwekutamisa kuronga;
  • kutenderera-nyika-nyika fara inoita kuti iite kubhururuka zvisingaiti.

Nhasi kune skyteam, oneworld uye nyeredzi mubatanidzwa - nhare nhatu nejasi rakakura remakambani. Star Alliance Inosanganisira chete Airlines chete, uye rondedzero yeSkyteam uye Inosanganisira vatakuri vakakurumbira pakati pevaRussia vanofarira mubvunzo: iyo kubatana kuti ishandise mari yekuwedzera uye mabhonasi? Ngationgororei izvo nuChinters esarudzo mune zvimwe zvakadzama.


This alliance brought together several major airlines and about 30 subsidiary carriers. These are about 1000 destinations, more than 14000 flights and more than 1000 airports that receive flights of the alliance companies. The popular S7 is part of the alliance among Russian companies. Passengers of Oneworld partners have the opportunity to earn miles on flights, buy bonus tickets for flights and enjoy other bonuses and privileges offered within the alliance. The bonus program has several levels (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald), on the first of which passengers receive priority check-in, the ability to carry larger baggage, choice of a seat on the plane immediately after purchasing tickets and an additional 25% miles from your fare. Sapphire gives access to the lounge (+1 person), Emerald - an additional piece of luggage, first class check-in counter.

More information on Oneworld airlines

Each airline also has its own program for customers, but the miles accumulated on the flights of one of them can be spent on the services of another. To move to a higher level of the program, you need to make 20 flights or accumulate 20,000 miles. Main flight regions: Europe, Asia, America and the Middle East. In terms of fleet size and number of destinations, Oneworld is almost on par with Skyteam.

Access Oneworld airport lounges with a Revolut account


Skyteam - inogona kuita musiyano mukuru mukufamba kwako. Iyo ndiyo yechipiri yakakura yemhepo inotakura mubatanidzwa munyika mushure me Star Alliance, Uniting 19 Yenyika Yenyika Inotungamira Ndege Yepasi Pose.

Skyteam ine akasiyana matero emitero, uko mufambi wese anogona kuwana sarudzo yebhajeti yavo. Semuenzaniso, iyo Skyteam Elite Plus Tariff inopa yakakura kwazvo masevhisi evanhu chero munhu wese anogona kunzwa kunge nyeredzi.

The Skyteam Alliance invites its passengers to expand the route map and increase its profitability. Today Skyteam unites: Aeroflot, Air Europa, Air France, China Airlines, Delta Air Lines (USA), Garuda Indonesia and other companies. Participants are ready to offer customers a large number of flights, as well as a range of services and privileges. The alliance has more than 170 destination countries and approximately 600 million passengers transported per year.

More information on Skyteam airlines

Skyteam offers two premium tiers: Skyteam Elite and Skyteam Elite Plus. From the first level, the client receives an additional piece of baggage, priority at check-in and seat selection for free with priority boarding. Elite Plus gives you access to the lounge and seats on already sold-out flights. To reach the silver level in the program and get additional opportunities, you need to make 25 flights in a year or gain 25 thousand miles. This includes flights in economy class, and flights with a transfer count as two, so even a novice traveler can get this level.

Upon reaching the second level, passengers of Aeroflot, a member of the Skyteam alliance, can check-in for flights at priority business desks, instead of standing in line for half an hour. In addition, they will receive free additional baggage space and + 25% miles from the ticket fare.

Access Skyteam airport lounges with PriorityPass service

Skyteam vs. Oneworld - Which Alliance Should You Choose?

Kuita sarudzo yakanaka, iwe unofanirwa kupindura mibvunzo mishoma:

  • Vangani ndege matsime pagore iwe yaunobhururuka uye mangani mamaira aunowana kuti ndege dziya?
  • Ndedzipi nhandare dziripi dzakakunakira iwe kuti ubhururuke kubva?
  • Mitengo yetiketi yakakosha kwazvo kwauri?
  • Iwe unotora yakawanda yemarinha newe here?
  • Ndeapi mhando yemabhonasi aunoda kugamuchira?

Kana iwe ukakwanisa kuunganidza zvisingasviki zviuru makumi maviri mamaira pagore, wobva wafunga nezve zvirongwa izvo izvo mamaira haapi mamaira. Tarisa rondedzero yemakambani ndeimwe kana imwe mubatanidzwa uye sarudza izvo zvinobhururuka kunzvimbo dzekunakirwa kwauri.

Zviri nyore kuwana yekutanga yekuvimbika chirongwa kubva kune imweworld pane kubva kuSkyteam. Mamwe mabhonasi uye kushandiswa zviri nani pamakiromita akaunganidzwa anopiwawo neyeworld. Uye Skyteam zvinonzwika zvinokunda muzvikwata zvekufambisa, sezvo vafambi vanopihwa nzvimbo yekuwedzera kune imwe nzvimbo yatove kubva padanho rekutanga, nepo oneworld ingangove neyechipiri chete. Kana mutero wako wakakosha kufamba kana kuti uri kutakura zvinhu, sarudza Skyteam. Oneworld anokunda maererano nemutengo wematikiti emhepo uye huwandu hwekusimudzira kwevatengi, sezvo zvichitarisirwa kubhururuka neS7 pane Aeroflot kana iwe usina mari yakawanda.

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